Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15: January 15 — Curious furry friends

Today we brought a new little kitty into our home. Ella was getting a little beat up in her home by a meanie male kitty, so we're going to see how she does in our family.

Of course, I'd post a picture of Ella, but anyone who's ever brought a cat into their home knows that the first thing they do is run and find a little hiddy-hole to sneak into and they hole up for about a week. Ella's is under the guest bed.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share photos of the reactions of the other animals to the new family member.

Hailey and her buddy Cocoa were quite curious. Ella wasn't in the carrier anymore, but they sniffed it for a good, solid 10 minutes.

Caz had no interest in checking Ella out. Instead, she planted herself in the office looking at us like we were all a little nutty.