Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17: January 17 - Table to come

Peter is one of those lucky people who actually get MLK day off work. While I was being a lazy bum, he was building himself a work bench for the storage area. The first epiphany of the day: We're going to need a Shop Vac ASAP, because the amount of saw dust taking is a little ridiculous. And to think...I'm pretty sure that once said work bench is built, there's more messes to be made.

Oh, still no photos of Ella, because she's still hiding in the closet by day, although she's been driving us crazy by night. She thinks nighttime is "run around like a crazy kitty, landing on Michelle and Peter's head" time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Peter is having fun making a table. Ella does like to sleep on the belly at night...but sometimes you have to lock her out of the room if she isn't chilling out and going to bed. So glad she is in a good home :-) Becca
