Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5: January 5: Baby it's cold outside

...And frankly, it's cold inside, too.

Christmas is over, so shouldn't the cold weather be done as well? Instead, my house is 2 degrees (my codeword for anything under 65 degrees) and it is literally freezing outside. That doesn't stop Caz the cat and Hailey the pup from wanting to go frolic, however. It just means they are louder than ever when they want to get back in.

I'm lucky, though. I see that it's been about -14 at my friend Karen's house in Durango, Colo., and about 6 degrees in Chester where Kathy Wasson lives. No thanks. I am a California girl through and through (and not in the cold part of Cali!)

I am smart enough to own an ice scraper, thank goodness. Running late for work today, it saved me.

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