Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6: January 6 — Eating "better"

Some people have a New Year's resolution to eat better. I do, too. Except I want to eat "better" as in "I want to eat more fantastically delicious food."

First stop: Marks the Spot. It's a traveling food truck that I have been meaning to go to forever, and finally made it to.

The french toast is genius. Not only is it on a stick (obviously cool) but it also has sea salt sprinkled on it, which means the flavors are super enhanced.

The BBB slider has Bacon, Brie and Basil. Is there anything better in the world than things that have bacon on them?! You should have seen my face when I ate it. My co-workers did and they laughed.

Second stop: Norman Rose.

Spinach and goat cheese dip. YUM! I can't live without goat cheese. My coworker said he thought when he saw spinach it would be healthy. Not so much.

Lamb burger. The burger is good as always, but those little cauliflowers are pickled. Bitter bitter bitter.

Third stop to come tonight: FARM. I promise I won't post about food every day. But so far, these are some true winners.

1 comment:

  1. Freind you are going to gain a million pounds this year! I think I need to join you on this mission
