Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8: January 8 — This run was bull

My run this morning (6 miles, on my stupid 1/2 marathon training plan) was less than awesome. First, I forgot to take the correct turn, so I had to make a new route. Then, at mile 3, my mom called with the news that my grandpa had passed away. By mile 4, after I had cried out all my tears, I realized that not only had I forgotten water, but I had a side stitch that wouldn't go away because of my super-awesome sobbing-breathing thing I had done to myself.

This bull, however, reminded me that life is ever-changing and we have to deal with it. Every single time I've walked/run/driven past this tree, the bull has looked different. It seems he now has the Giants colors, and I'd imagine they've been there for a while. I wonder how many layers this guy has on him...

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