Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4: January 4 - Chowder schmowder

I've been craving clam chowder for days. My coworker Jillian and I went on a search-and-destroy mission for it on Sunday night, only to be let down when we couldn't find the kind we wanted anywhere in town.

Today, she texts me and says "Hot clam chowder at Soviet Safeway if your cravings still persists."

I rush to the Safeway by our work (more later on why we call it the Soviet Safeway, I'm sure), get my clam chowder, and I'm psyched.

After taking literally one bite, I bump the container haphazardly, and the result is this....

.... you can imagine how thrilled I am.

Update (3 minutes later): Now, not only did I have to clean up the soup, but there appears to be a new little critter that also must have been craving it. Thanks a lot little bug.

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