Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 142: May 22 - New travel friends

It takes about three days of vacation and relaxing to settle in, make new friends, and go from relaxing to partying. At least that's what it took for Peter and I.

By the end of our trip, we had hooked up with a group of 11 friends from Denver (who we quickly exchanged email addresses with for house swapping vacations in the future) and a couple from Brooklyn (who we were stupid to not swap info with). Too many tequila shots later, I had a rough end to the first day of being 30, but all in all, it was a great, fun day.

Pictured are Sarah and Billy, who I'm certain I had deep, intellectual conversations with while getting sunburned in the pool. What they were about is long-since lost on me, but I remember enough to know that Sarah and I were certain we were sisters from another mother, and that Sarah learned on this trip to always pack a carry-on, since her luggage was lost.

1 comment:

  1. It was a trip and afternoon we both won't forget any time soon! Hope you guys are recovering well. I'm still feeling it. Ahhhhhh 30. Welcome to it, Sis!!!! :) ~Sarah
