Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 141: May 21 - The big 3-0

A couple years ago at Christmas, Peter's mom, Maureen, gave me this book. At the time I wasn't quite nearing 30 so I thought I'd have to put it away and get to it later. While packing for the Cancun trip, I thew it in my bag thinking there would be no better time to give it a read.

It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Very inspirational, perfect beach read since they were short little stories and, after a cocktail or two, I found myself tagging pages. I'll give y'all a full book review later, I'm sure, but for now just know that I went into my 30th birthday feeling like the next 10 years are going to be amazing. Thanks Mum for giving me such a great read.

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