Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 137: May 17 - Cheesy joke

You know how sometimes a joke can go so long you can't even really remember how it started? My cousin, Nick, and I have one of those that revolves around cheese.

I think the story goes that I was cutting up some cheddar when I was visiting and that little punk came over and at it when I walked away for just a moment. If my memory is right, I think I was very angry with him while he (mind you, he was about 11 at the time) just  laughed and laughed thinking he was the funniest thing ever.

Now every time we visit with each other he asks me if I'd like some cheese, or waves it in front of me just out of reach.

For my birthday, the crafty kid sent me a t-shirt. I have zero idea where to wear this puppy, but the thought was hilarious. Maybe I shall frame it:)

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