Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59: February 28 — That damn dog!

I could have killed her this morning. In the 40 minutes between when Cindy left for work and I got up, Hailey MAULED one of my favorite pairs of Nine West shoes. She hasn't eaten a shoe in a long, long time. I may still kill her. I was SOOOO mad.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 58- February 27 - Oscars night

I admit, I didn't see as many of the oscar nominees as I would have liked to. Next year, right?

I was lucky enough, however, to represent the Register at the local Oscars gala. Somehow I took no pictures of myself, so I shall share some of other folks.

Nona and Cindy

Our view of one of the screens.

Julianna and her new beau.

Intent conversation :-)

I wish I had pictures of the amazing food we ate. Or the '07, '97, '88 and '84 cabs we taste tested.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 56: February 26- crabby crAb

Crab is good. Enough said.

I officially feel old though. Napa High Crab Feed and I'm home by 9:30 and I was able to drive myself home (read: I was way too sober). Old, old, old.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 56: February 22- premiere weekend

Days like today I love my job. I had the opportunity to taste some amazing wines that people will be bidding thousands of dollars on tomorrow. Most wines won't even be bottled until 2013, but they were already amazing.

This was just one of the events we stopped at. All the wines were created by the same consulting winemaker for different wineries, but they were all so different.

This art took up about three stories if the wall.

This wine is called the Rain Beater, because in 2009, the valley got a TON of rain during harvest. So either you beat the rain or you didn't. Titus picked their grapes the day before the rains came.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 55: February 22 -- crazy mexican

I thought I would be super nice and offer to pick up La Taquiza for peter's dinner.

I don't know anything about ordering Mexican. I'm terrible at it, and have probably done it less than 10 times in my entire life.

I get there and the woman keeps asking all these questions. What kind of beans? Corn or flour? Hot or mild?

Who knows these things?!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 54: February 23: The "no-nugget" diet

When Peter and I got engaged, that weekend I said this to him: "Ya know, now that we have to think about things like dresses and tuxes, I think we have to go on the no-nugget diet."
"No nuggets?" he asked.

"Yeah, no nuggets. As in no McNuggets from McDonalds. I know they're good, but they're literally killing my waistline."
There's only one dumb rule to the stupid no-nugget diet: Don't eat McNuggets! Those little morsels just pull you in, and you can't stop!

I fail. Completely.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 53: February 22 - love bug

I'm cheating because this is from Saturday, but it's too cute to not share.

For those keeping up on Hailey's doggie battle, she's doing much better. I'm still worried, but that's because I'm the puppy mom; it's my job.

Word is that Daisy is doing ok, too. Pretty banged up thanks to Hailey, but she, too, will live.

Silly pups.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 51: February 21 — Euro-obsessed

I'm completely obsessed with the trip Cindy and I are taking to Europe in October. We've officiallly booked the cruise, and today I spent way more time than I should have hunting down every book at the library that could possibly teach me about Italy, Slovania and Croatia before we board the boat.

More than anything, I think I'm excited to eat in all these places! I mean, really, Italian food for a bunch of days. Yes, please! And if Croatia has weird food, good thing I have a backup of an entire cruise ship full of tasty delights.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 50: February 20-poor little girl!

Hails had a rough day. So did her mama :-( it's hard to see her hurt. I propped her super swollen hole-y arm up so she could be more comfy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 50: February 19-- scrappin'

A good day for me' is drinking and scrapping. Scrap booking.

That's Cindy at the end if the table. Thank you for cocktails, tolerating my dog, and giving me' some wedding video action :-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49: February 19-- I won over the treadmill!

I didn't think I could do it. 11 miles on a treadmill is really, really far. It's more mental than anything. Too many distractions. The couch looks so comfy. The dog wants to go outside. Then come in. Then out. Then in.

I could just sit down. No one would ever know.

But I didn't. I made it the whole way.

You know you have been on a 'mill too long when you run out of room on the time portion....

Then the calorie counter....

In the end, I survived the last of my long runs in this alleged half marathon training. Now it's time to taper off, rest and get ready for the big race on march 5.

In the end, I burned 1570 calories, ran/walked 11 miles and got it done in 2 hours, 52 minutes, 46 seconds. Let's hope the real race goes a bit quicker than that :-)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 47: February 17 — Thank god for these boots

I don't know how I got through life before owning my galoshes. These rain boots have been my favorite purchase of the past two years, hands down.

I also secretly believe that if I had the in Chico, the chances of my attending classes would have increased exponentially. OK, maybe not. But at least my little feet would have been dry.

Rumors have also been circling that you can get inserts for them that keep your feet cozy and warm. Where do I get these things?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 46: February 16- just look at that face

This ridiculously cute face greets me, but also peers out at me when I leave each day.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 46: February 16--"Michelle" Sander

I'm an idiot. I filled out peter's state taxes for him and managed to put his name down as "Michelle Sander" instead if Peter.

His response?

"Guess that name has a nice ring to it, doesn't it."

Yes, babe, it does. Now let's just see what the state of California has to say about it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45: February 14 - Valentine's Cupcakes

 Some day I'll learn that red food coloring (not blood, don't worry!) requires latex gloves! That stuff gets all over everything!!
 This is what they were SUPPOSED to look like. Once the red velvet got in them, they just turned, well, red.
 Two bottles of dye, people.
Finished product. Yummmmmmmmy. Nothing says love like a million calories of goodness!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 43: February 12-out and about

Hailey and I took a three mile trek today during which we solidified her fear of a certain bridge over a creek. We also ran into this interesting little configuration. Do you think a kid did it? Or a random stranger? Hmmmm

Hailey was a happy pup.

Meanwhile, Ella decided I wasn't opening her cat food fast enough for her preference so she did so in her own.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 42: February 11: spring is springing

My 11 mile go downgraded to a 6 mile walk thanks to the cold that just keeps giving. The upside was that it was beautiful outside and even though the weather folks say rain is on it's way, the flowers don't seem to mind.

Can't get enough of the daffodils!

Cherry blossoms, I think?

Figured I should also report the new colors of the moose/bull/tree.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 41: February 10: the dreadmill

That's what real runners call it, the "dread"mill. Versus the treadmill.

Personally, I love my 'mill. I consider it one of the best investments I have made in years. I know people says there is some crazy inner peace to be found running outside, but all I get out there is my noisy thoughts in my head. And it's hot, or it's cold. Or windy. Or rainy. Or sunny.

No thank you. I will keep the 'mill.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40: February 9: Best gnocchi

Mary spent three days making this recipe of gnocchi and what I called "magic sauce" from Michael Chiarello's "Bottega" cookbook, and she was nice enough to invite Peter and I over to consume it. There's just something about food that you put all that time, energy and love into that makes it taste SO much  better than quick food.

 Mary throwing the gnocchi into the salty, salty water. Michael says it should taste like sea water. It did.
 Skipper was just DYING for a piece of chicken to fall his way.
 The recipes...see all those steps...
 ...and all those ingredients! Really great olive oil was key.
The end result. AMAZING.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38: February 7 - A love that lasts

Peter and I joke that we will be together for 50 years. After that, he can be rid of me, but for our 50th anniversary we will do something crazy like go on an African safari. Mind you, we would be ancient by then, but no matter.

This book was an advice book put out by Hallmark from people who stayed married 50-plus years. I couldn't justify dropping $9.99 on it, but I may have to find it online, because I bet there is some valuable information in there.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37: February 6: Winner, winner chicken dinner

I feel like the queen of the football pool! Our house won the second quarter and I, all by myself, won the ending score! Made all my stupid bingo money back at least :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36: February 5- crab feed goodness

'nuff said.

Also I tried to run 10 miles today. Failed miserably thanks to wind, sun and general lack of tenacity.

But it appears spring is around the corner. I love love love daffodils.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35: February 4-bingo

My grandma would be proud. Bingo could have been awesome.... If we had won. Instead Mary kept getting one away from winning. Double super boo.

The highlight of the night? This dauber machine. Who needs a soda or candy machine when you could buy bingo daubers?!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34: February 2- lazy day

Lazy sicky day means lazy blogging. Ella has officially made herself at home.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33: February 2-- messy, messy desk

Seriously this desk is out of control. And this is only a tiny part of it. I think I'm ready to strip down all the pictures, throw away all the paperwork and start from scratch.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 31: February 1 - Silly Ella kitty

Little Ella-bo-bella, the silliest cat around, has this weird habit. She likes to play with bottle caps. She will, in fact, dig them out of a big glass that Peter and I have been collecting them in, and then throw them onto the ground and bat them around. Seriously, she'll do this all day long. Silly girl.