Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 49: February 19-- I won over the treadmill!

I didn't think I could do it. 11 miles on a treadmill is really, really far. It's more mental than anything. Too many distractions. The couch looks so comfy. The dog wants to go outside. Then come in. Then out. Then in.

I could just sit down. No one would ever know.

But I didn't. I made it the whole way.

You know you have been on a 'mill too long when you run out of room on the time portion....

Then the calorie counter....

In the end, I survived the last of my long runs in this alleged half marathon training. Now it's time to taper off, rest and get ready for the big race on march 5.

In the end, I burned 1570 calories, ran/walked 11 miles and got it done in 2 hours, 52 minutes, 46 seconds. Let's hope the real race goes a bit quicker than that :-)

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