Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 80: March 21 — Tree of Terror

There's a tree at work that my old boss, Bill, and subsequently all the other employees that were here during his time, called the Tree of Terror. I've seen trees of this species in areas where we've been looking at homes and Peter sees this tree and says "oh, I hate those." Then I asked "Well, wait. do you even know what it looks like when it has leaves?"

"I guess not," he says.

"It's like that tree at work in my parking lot," I replied.

"Oh, never mind then, I just don't like when they have the nubs."

This time of year, the tree of terror looks a little sad, but then it has a million long branches, tons of leaves and then in Fall, it dumps all its leaves into a huge pile. Thankfully, someone on our staff is fabulous and comes around to clean it all up.

I like this tree. It's not scary at all. Some of my best work-talks have been under it, and I'm eagerly awaiting its new leaves.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it is a Mulberry tree, silk worms love to eat their leaves.The tree of terror should be a love tree :-) becca
