Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76: March 17 — Many words, no answers

If there was any doubt that my brain has been fully consumed by housing thoughts, this should clear it up. What you see is my computer screen at work, full of three different columns-in-progress. They total about 3,000 words (obviously pre-edit) and the only good news I have to report is that A) the process is apparently great column fodder, and B) writing and ranting in my column is extremely cathartic.

For those keeping up, the dream house foreclosure date is tomorrow, which means that if the bank hasn't taken their head out of their rear-end by 1:30 p.m., the house goes up for auction on the Napa Courthouse steps. Either someone buys it or it reverts back to the bank, but no matter what, we wouldn't own it. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that something magical happens between now and 1:30 p.m.

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