Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 77: March 18 — Shady, shady, shady

Today was the day our potential dream house was to be either foreclosed upon or sold on the Napa courthouse steps for auction. Going into it, we thought there was no chance anyone would actually buy it, since we don't many people with $222,000 in their pockets. Clearly, we're wrong.

I'm sure not many people have been to these auctions, so I thought I'd just share some shots from the day to give you a feel for what it looks like.

This is what people standing around look like...
This is how cute Peter is standing in the pouring rain...
This is the homeowner of our potential dream home who I spent 30 minutes feeling sorry for. I HATE that I wasted that energy.
And this is my calendar for the day. Awkward Moment's Day is an understatement.

The owner was there, with his listing agent (the real estate agent who was allegedly trying to help him sell his house for the last few months). They had been stalling with our offer all week, but assured us they were doing everything in their power to get it handled and sell us the house.

Turns out, that was a lie, because as soon as the house came up for auction, the listing agent was making a bid. I wish I had been able to outbid him, or that there was someone rich there to do it, or that I'd had the guts to go over and punch him in the face.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry girl. I know how stressful it is to buy a house and this does not help. Maybe it was meant to be and something much better is coming your way. Hope it all works out for you.
