Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 60: March 1 — Reader feedback

I don't get a LOT of feedback on my column, but when I do, it's a doozy. Pam Reid is notorious for disliking anything I write (and most of the Register staff writes). Below is one of her classic notes that came the other day. Below that is a note that came the next day, and may be the first kind note I've received since starting my column years ago.

Michelle Choat:
Uh-uh! If you are planning on marriage you need to stop thinking it is "cute" and "clever" to be frivolous about spending funny money on things you want but cannot afford. It is called saving over a long period of time until you can spend some of those savings on fun. The little girl, "I want it NOW" mentality does not work in the real world. Dreaming about wealth is for fools. That's why the poor get poorer. They dream without establishing a budget and their greed for money and "things" perpetuates their cycle of looking to the government for handouts.
You are also inundating readers who do not idolize dogs. You, Missy, are not and never can be "mommy" to a 4-legged, poop-dropping, flea infested pet who drools where he drools and poops where he poops and loves you for feeding him. So stop the silly "parent" to a dog nonsense.
Pam Reid.

Dear Michelle -
I always look forward to (and enjoy) your bi-weekly "Gal on the Go." Your article in the January 3, 2011 edition was one of your best!!!
I felt your anticipation and doubts and finally total glee when your "guy" popped the question. I am so happy for you (with you) and wish you so many good wishes.
a faithful fan,
Doris Duncan
PS, Please say "Hi" to Nona for me. She's another one for whom I have great admiration.

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