Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 255: Sept. 12 - Missing in action

Yeah,  yeah, yeah, I know. I failed. Completely.

I promised a photo a day and a thought of the day, and now months and months have passed.

Cindy asked me the other day what had happened to this blog. My response: "I bought a house."

Now that I've survived renovations (see photos here) and the housewarming, maybe I can get a bit back on track.

That said, I offer you this:
Cindy and I have talked for years about making capes to wear to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, since our team name is the Boobie Savers. It looks like we're going to be taking next year off from the walk, so I figured now is the time to go all out. We'll rock all our silly garb, along with our new cape.

Today, we went shopping for the fabric. We must have looked pretty silly running around the store checking out their "capability". Ha!

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