Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 270: September 27 - Where's Waldo?

Mary loaned me her iPad for my big European adventure, and what's the first thing I deseprately wanted to do on it? Play Where's Waldo, obviously! So much fun! Kids are seriously spoiled with all these cool tricks technology does now. We have one of the old books at home (I think I bought it one year for Peter for Christmas). I think I may have to bust it out and go Waldo hunting.

Day 269: September 26 - Silly leg girl

My dog. She's ridiculous. She seriously slept like this for an hour. Leg straight up in the air.

Day 268: September 25 - Traveling flowers

Picked fresh from the Napa Valley Register garden, these flowers needed to be loved over the weekend, so I had them travel to my home. Cindy wasn't sure we could get them to travel well, and I said "well, we'll just strap them in!" They did pretty well.

Day 267: September - Ready to run

Nothing makes Hailey cuter than putting her in a human T-shirt and then strapping her seat belt onto her so she can ride in the car. Peter says she hates it. I say no such thing. She did a pretty good job at Saturday's 6K, but she was definitely tired around mile 3.5. The T-shirt, however, was a complete hit.

Day 266: September 23 - Goodbye Cindy

Telling Cindy goodbye from the Register office sucked. The cake did not. This picture doesn't do this justice. It seriously takes up the entire table, and that table is 6-top at least.

Day 265: September 22 - Bottega, how I love the

Peter and I haven't had a dinner date in way too long. Bottega has been calling our name, so we headed out for the short ribs and gnocchi. NEVER a bad choice.

Day 264: September 21 - My poor mailbox

My fixer-upper home has been mostly fixed up, but my mailbox has clearly suffered. Time for a new one, I think. This day, I found the poor thing just leaning against the house. I'm surprised the postal service people haven't left us a note yet saying that it's unacceptable.

Day 263: Sept. 20 - Sangria, please

I love me so sangria, and I was watching a wedding show and realized it's the perfect drink to serve between my wedding and reception. This is me taking a picture of the television so I can remember. Silly, I know, but now that its' online I'm 100 percent sure I won't forget.

Day 262: August 19 - Learning Italian and Slovanian

I'm making flash card for Cindy and I's trip to Europe. Sure, everyone will most likely speak some English, but I think I'd better at least put in some effort. Italian sounds and even looks so beautiful. But this Slovane language looks so harsh! Good thing we're only there for a day, I suppose.

Day 261: August 18 - Another year down

Over the years, we have seen a lot of neighborhoods do some cool things to cheer on Avon Walkers. But this balloon arch literally gave me chills and made me cry. The donuts they had out for us didn't hurt either:)
This husky was a great cheerer, too. Her name was Hailey:)  I told the woman that my fiance wanted Huskys but that I think they are too much work. She sighed and said that, yes, they were really, really hard work. So much for that plan.

Day 260: August 17 - Flair

I love that I made these little pom poms last year and that people wore them again this year. We get so many compliments on them, and I just think they add a little extra something.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 259: Sept. 16 - Avon Walk, Year 5

The photobooth obsession continues. I was reminded at the Event Eve for the Avon Walk this year that the photo booth at the wedding will be WELL worth the investment. These things are awesome. Not awesome is my face in the third photo down on the strip with just me and Erin. Creepy!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 258: Sept 15 -cuddlebug

Some days she is a little terror, and others, like this day, a little doggy angel.

She was all tucked in like this for hours...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 257: Sept. 14 - Fall into fall

I saw this sign at Starbucks today and thought: Yes, please!
I hope this copy writer makes a lot of money, because I could not have put it better myself.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 256: September 13 - pink overload

$1,800 raised, check. Bags almost packed for my fifth year if the Avon Walk, check.

A LOT of hot pink flip flops, double check.

Apparently I have collected quite a few over the years. The irony, of course, is that this is more of a tennis shoe event, and at max I only need one pair if flops.

Pink overload :-)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 255: Sept. 12 - Missing in action

Yeah,  yeah, yeah, I know. I failed. Completely.

I promised a photo a day and a thought of the day, and now months and months have passed.

Cindy asked me the other day what had happened to this blog. My response: "I bought a house."

Now that I've survived renovations (see photos here) and the housewarming, maybe I can get a bit back on track.

That said, I offer you this:
Cindy and I have talked for years about making capes to wear to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, since our team name is the Boobie Savers. It looks like we're going to be taking next year off from the walk, so I figured now is the time to go all out. We'll rock all our silly garb, along with our new cape.

Today, we went shopping for the fabric. We must have looked pretty silly running around the store checking out their "capability". Ha!