Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 173: June 22 - Words from the past

While packing up, this paper fell out of a high school scrapbook. My senior year journalism adviser wrote it, and it's quite interesting many years later.

It reads:
Michelle - 
From knowing of your past relations with other (male) advisers, I must share that I have been delightfully surprised with the cool relationship we have developed. You have an amazing eye for details. Your diligence and perfectionist mind bring others to new levels of achievement. You are matured into a trustworthy elder — be cautious in leadership to invite others into your reality versus intimidating them to frustration. You are a part of an amazing team and I hope you keep me posted. Thanks for being so dang dependable ... I will miss you. I love you lady, Ms. Martin.

The leadership part really made me think. I guess we always have room to grow.

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