Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 152: June 1 - Pretty cake

I wish I had taken a picture of Jenn when Cindy and I walked into the restaurant. She was so cute, holding this little cake, presenting it. My friend has been delving into the world of cake-making for the last few years, and some of them are quite incredible. I met with her to get her take on how much it would cost me for one of her cakes, and she was gracious enough to bake a cake for us to taste while we were there.

A sneaky little birdy (Cindy, perhaps?) told her that Peter and I both like red velvet, so inside this little fondant shell is red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Yum!

For those with curious minds, I think our plan is to have a pretty cake that's mostly fake. So if you're easily offended at the idea of not getting any cake at a wedding, please cake your offenses at the door. If things go our way, we'll also get to have a milk and cookie bar with Annie Baker cookies. Best of both worlds?! I think so.

Check out Jenn's Facebook site or website  to see the great things she's doing with cakes, as well as her embroidery business. Pretty much she's one of the craftiest gals I know.

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