Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 295: October 22 - Happy 85th birthday!

Best friend Cindy and her mom, Carol, decided to combine forces. Cindy turned 30, and Carol turned 55, so we celebrated their 85th birthday with them. Good times, but somehow this is the only picture I managed to take.

Day 294: October 21 - Shelving galore

Adding shelving to our garage may not seem like a big deal to you, but for us, this was a major step in a very large hurdle. We have a lot of stuff. Most of it is fairy organized in those nifty rubbermaid tubs, but there are still a lot of tubs. Peter wants to know why we have seven Christmas tubs. I can't answer that until Christmas time. But I can tell you that storing them is a lot handier with these puppies up. There is even a floor in my garage now. Well, there was until the power tools covered them;-)

Day 293: October 20 - Goodbye, old car

That car in the back is my black civic, which served me well for 11 years, until I crunched it recently. It was a sad, sad day to watch it go away. In shiny one in the foreground, of course, is the new pretty civic. But it's just not the same. I hope her parts will do someone some good at the junk yard.

Day 292: October 19 - Hailey is a scardy dog

More crazy sounds at our house, and this time, Hailey's instinct was to sit like a human and be really, really still until it went away. I think it was a helicopter over at the hospital which is about two blocks away. She just sat and waited and stared until finally it got silent. Just look at those crazy eyes.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 289: October 16 - Too close for comfort

Hailey started going crazy and there was a weird static noise that was really loud. I look out the window and this hot air balloon seriously looked like it was going to land on top of us. Hailey was beside herself... We were only a little concerned.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 291: October 18 - the blur

I got back into treadmill training, which meant hailey got on with me. After 30 minutes she was still excited to go. The treadmill is seriously the best investment ever.

Day 290: October 17 - holiday overload

I love the Christmas holiday, I really do. But michaels was already on Christmas overkill. I literally had to walk over and shut off some dumb holiday carousel that wouldn't shut up.