Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 183: July 2 - Bright and shiny

It was SOOO nice to get a new car. Not only was the process completely non-painful, but, I mean, who doesn't want a new and shiny car when they've been looking at their old-and-busted car for months. It felt great to make the commitment, now all I have to do is not freak out about making a car payment for the first time in many, many years. Now, what shall we name her?!
Shoot, I was trying to take a picture of the fact that it only had 13 miles on it, but that didn't work out. The steering wheel is still pretty sport, so I'll take it:)

1 comment:

  1. It may take awhile to get the name. "Izzy" was the second Beemer, and my "Li'l P.O.S." was the Ranger, even though it was a solid little truck. The Ram is "Silver" seeing as it's the Lone Star package, and well, it's my trusty steed to get me around Texas! (And it just happens to be a pretty silver and chrome!)
