Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 86: March 27 - Stacey's hope chest

Ely was giving Stacey a hard time about her chest. "It's only half full, if that!" he said.

Stacey proceeded to open the chest up (which Peter had deemed to be much too large. Too big to be something I need, he decided) and go through the wonderful things inside.

Stuffed animals from her childhood, pictures from family trips, her baby shoes, her first teeth, special coins collected throughout the years. These are the things I currently have in a plastic tub labeled "Sentimental stuff I can't figure out what to do with."

Seriously, that's what the tag says. Stacey, however, has a nice wooden place to put them.

Someday all of Peter's wood working tools will be put to good use and I'll have one too. I'll just keep admiring Stacey's until then:)


  1. Cool hope chest! Not too late to ask for one as an engagement present...

  2. I have one at the foot of my bed and I love it. It has a lot of treasures that are special to me.
